The fall is a beautiful time to visit Trinity and the Bonavista Peninsula, but sometimes it can be unclear as to what is open. There are still plenty of activities and dining options in Trinity and the communities of Trinity Bight for our guests to enjoy.
What is Trinity Bight you ask?
Trinity Bight is a large area of the Northwestern portion of Trinity Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The bight contains the communities of New Bonaventure, Old Bonaventure, Trouty, Dunfield, Goose Cove, Trinity, Lockston, Trinity East, Port Rexton, Champney’s Arm, Champney’s West, Champney’s East, and English Harbour. The Bight is just south of Port Union, Elliston & Bonavista. While this list does not include operating hours for businesses outside of Trinity Bight, our team will help you at check-in understand what will be available to you in those areas should you explore beyond The Bight.
Artisan Inn & Vacation Homes
NOTE: These guides were created with information provided to us by various business owners. Some may decide to change their operating dates and hours based on volume of guests or staffing. We always encourage individuals to make reservations when possible and to double check that the information remains correct. Should any business in the Trinity Bight Area wish to contact us with information about their hours or to be added to or removed from the list, please reach out via email.
Includes operating dates and times for:
Twine Loft (open until October 15th 2023) , Dock Marina, The Galley, Fisher’s Loft, Brightside Bistro, Port Rexton Brewery, Oh My Cheeses, Trinity Cabins, Two Whales Coffee Shop, Aunt Sarah’s Chocolates,
Includes operating dates and times for:
Twine Loft, Eriksen Premises, Aunt Sarah’s Chocolate, Lester Garland Building, Trinity Crafts, Two Whales Coffee Shop, Port Rexton Brewery, Shoreline Treasures, Sea of Whales.
Note all shops or businesses with shopping sections with the exception of Eriksen Premises are expected to be operating in October to some capacity. More details to come
Includes operating dates and times for: The Harbour Side Cafe, Union House Arts, Home from the Sea, Barbera Houston Art Studio, Ryan Premises, Mock Begger Plantation, Matthew Legacy Centre, East Coast Glow, Artistry on Church, Kind Seas Jewlery, Ragged Rock, Bicycle Picnics, Quintal Cafe
Wondering what you will see on a stroll through Trinity?
Sara Monika Photography
This is the scene that welcomes you when you arrive in Trinity. The below scene has appeared in publications around the world including The New York Times and USA Today. It is one of the most coveted shots on a trip through Newfoundland. The houses in the picture below include the Artisan Inn’s Twine Loft, Barbour House, Gover House, Cove Cottage, Campbell House and Nathaniel House. Visit our getting here section for directions to Trinity if this is a must have shot for you.
Visit in the Summer when the wildflowers are in full bloom.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Taken in Late October when the light in Trinity has a more golden touch and the dogberries are at their best. Read our September and October Guide if you plan to stay during the Fall.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Visit during the Spring months of May or June to watch for ice. Read our May and June Guide to plan your trip at this time.
Learn about St. Paul’s church in our Historic Sites sections
Kathy Stacey Photography
Aunt Sarah’s Chocolate is one of many businesses to convert Trinity’s historic buildings into a shopping experience.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Salt Box Houses line the streets of Trinity
Photographer: Sara Monika
Trinity Harbour is where Trinity’s various whale watching tours depart from. This shot was taken from the deck of Admiral’s Lookout.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Admiral’s Lookout and Grant’s Stage are both registered heritage structures.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
White picket fences are found all over Trinity. This one leads to the beach in front of Gover House.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Despite electric heating being available many residents prefer to heat their homes with a wood stove.
Photographer Mark Colbert
Artisan Inn’s Campbell House is an 1840s registered heritage structure. It was the orginial building that the Artisan Inn’s owner Tineke Gow started her buisness with in 1992. Learn about the history of the Artisan Inn.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Fall Colours and picket fences. Read our September and October Guide to find out what can be done at this time of the year.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
The town of Trinity has two certified blacksmiths working in the town’s historic Green Family Forge.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Despite living with modern amenities many residents prefer drying their laundry on the line.
Gun Hill Trail can be walked during any season. Late August and September offer of delicious berries and then their leaves turn a fiery red. Walk along the water, through the woods or stand at the top of the world.
Photographer: Sara MonikaPhotographer: Sara Monika / Hop Scotch the Globe
A fine spot for berry picking during late August and September.
Reward yourself with a stunning view from the top.
We are not open November through April, but why not let you enjoy the pictures?
Photographer: Marieke Gow
A woodpile sits in front of Trinity Harbour.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Ryan Shop, Rising Tide Theatre and the Cooperage.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Artisan Inn after a snowstorm.
Photographer: Marieke Gow
Trinity Architecture pops in the Winter weather.
Photo Credits:
Photos featured on this page were taken by Mark Colbert, Sara Monika and Marieke Gow. If someone wishes to download one of these photos for use on a website, blog, other social media or print materials they must first contact Marieke Gow to seek permission.
Trinity is located 1 hour from The Trans Canada Highway/Highway 1 once you take the exit for Route 230 (near the town of Clarenville)
Drivers have the option of driving directly from Highway 1 to route 230 or they can cut through the town of Clarenville taking Route 230A that eventually meets up with Route 230. There is little difference in time between these two options, however, the second option is more scenic and more convenient if you plan to stop in Clarenville, which has larger grocery stores and a large NLC (Liquor Store) for supplies.
Drive 50.8km and along Route 230 and turn right onto Route 239
After 3km you will see a large bay of blue and white buoys (this is a mussel farm)
There is a left-hand turn after this bay that leads into the historic town of Trinity.
Highlights: Shopping, Whale Watching Tours, 7 Historic Sites, Rising Tide Theatre, Dining, Gun Hill Trail, Guided Historical Walking Tour. Visit EXPLORE TRINITY to learn more.
For more details about getting to the Artisan Inn visit our GETTING HERE section.
The following communities located on Route 239, Route 230 and Route 235 are all easily accessible from Trinity ranging from 10 minutes to 50 minutes away.
New Bonaventure
A film set from the Grand Seduction Located in New Bonaventure
Approximately 25 minutes from the Artisan Inn
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. turn left onto route 239 at the T intersection (located by the mussel farm). New Bonaventure is located at the end of this road, 15.8km from Trinity.
Highlights: Rugged Beauty Boat Tours, Random Passage, Grand Seduction and Shipping News film sets and locations.
Fort Point
Approximately 19 minutes from the Artisan Inn.
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Drive for 1.9 Kilometers. Turn left onto Main Road/Route 239 drive for 2.7km and turn left at Dunfield. Continue driving for 4km.
Highlights: Fort Point Lighthouse and interpretation centre, whale spotting from land (during feeding months)
Port Rexton/Trinity East
Approximately 13 minutes from the Artisan Inn.
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive 4.5km (5 minutes) to arrive at Port Rexton. At the bright yellow gas station, turn right onto Rocky Hill Road and drive for 1.9km (3 minutes) passing Bishop White School and the Fisher’s Loft Conference Centre turn off, to reach Trinity East and the start point of the Skerwink Trail. To get to the Port Rexton Brewery, turn left off Rocky Hill Road onto Station Road.
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive 5.9 Kilometers and turn right at the English Harbour Sign. Drive 4.9 more kilometers. Continue through English Harbour to the Horse Chops for a great whale watching spot in season, however, visitors should be advised that the road becomes a dirt road and visitors should park their car and continue by foot if they do not feel that their vehicle can handle the terrain.
Highlights: English Harbour Arts Centre, Horsechops (a coastal area great for viewing whales during feeding season)
Champney’s West
Approximately 18 minutes from the Artisan Inn
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive past Port Rexton, Passing the Two Whales Coffee Shop and take the next right to Champney’s West. You will reach a fork in the road and stay to the right. This drive from the 239/230 turn off is 7.2km.
Highlights: Fox Island Hiking Trail, Champney’s West Aquarium
Port Union
photo from
Approximately 30 minutes from the Artisan Inn
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Continue driving for 27.9km (approximately 25 minutes)
Highlights: Murphy’s Cove Lodges Pond Trail, The Factory Historic Site, The Bungalow Historic Site, Discovery UNESCO Geopark site.
Elliston & Maberly
Puffins by Paul Dolk: To purchase this print visit Paul Dolk’s Website
Approximately 45 minutes from the Artisan Inn.
Directions from Route 230:
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive for 39.7km until you reach the 238 turn-off on your right. Drive 6.3km to reach Elliston. Once in Elliston, The Sealer’s Memorial Statue is located on Main Road, to reach Bird Island, take Sandy Cove Road. Continue Elliston municipal park and Bird Island to reach Maberly.
Alternative Directions from Bonavista
Directions from Bonavista/Spillar’s Cove: Staying on the main road, you will reach an intersection with signage for Spillar’s Cove. Turn right. this road is the northern section of route 238. Drive past the Bonavista water tower (keeping it to your right) and past the two cemeteries opposite one another. Reach Crewe’s Garage, located on a fork in the road. Take the right arm of the fork. You should see a small sign for Route 238. Drive 7.1km (roughly 10 minutes) to reach Elliston and Maberly.
Highlights: Home From the Sea Sealers Museum, Sealer’s Memorial Statue, Puffin Viewing Site, Root Cellar Capital of the World
Approximately 45 minutes from the Artisan Inn.
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive for (40 minutes) until you enter the town of Bonavista.
Highlights: Ryan Premises National Historic Site, The Matthew, Cape Bonavista Lighthouse, Shopping, Cape Shore Hiking Trail, The Dungeon
Spillars Cove
Approximately 49 minutes from Trinity
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive for (40 minutes) until you enter the town of Bonavista.
Staying on the main road, you will reach an intersection with signage for Spillar’s Cove. Turn right. this road is the northern section of route 238. Drive past the Bonavista water tower (keeping it to your right) and past the two cemeteries opposite one another.
Reach Crewe’s Garage, located on a fork in the road and continue driving straight (turning right will take you to Elliston). Drive 2.4km past Crewe’s Garage to arrive in Spillar’s Cove.
Please park your vehicle where the pavement ends and do not attempt to drive on the dirt road. This will contribute to the erosion of a geologically significant area of our peninsula and makes it difficult for hikers to proceed safely.
The Bonavista Peninsula is a loop with Route 235 serving as the opposite side of the loop to Route 230. One can either visit the communities on the way to Bonavista or on the way back from Bonavista. These directions are assuming you are visiting these communities on the way to Bonavista. We recommend you AVOID ROUTE 236. This is a dirt road and can be unfriendly to your rental vehicle.
Open Hall, Red Cliff, Tickle Cove
Tickle Cove Sea Arch – Photo Credit: Marieke Gow
Approximately 40 minutes from Trinity
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn left onto Route 230 at the T intersection. Drive 25.3 km (21 minutes) to the Route 235 turn off and turn right. Drive 25.3 km (25 minutes) to reach the left turn to Open Hall (a few minutes past Plate Cove East).
To reach Red Cliff continue driving 2.4km (3 minutes)
To reach Tickle Cove continue driving 2.5km (5 minutes): The turn off in Tickle Cve to get to the sea Arch is a right hand turn just prior to the community slipway for boats. If you pass the slipway you have gone too far.
Highlights: Tickle Cove Sea Arch, Paul Dolk Photography Studio, Filming areas for Grand Seduction
King’s Cove, Duntara & Keels
Approximately 45 minutes from the Artisan Inn
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn Left onto Route 230 at the T intersection. Drive 26km (21 minutes) to the Route 235 turn off and turn right. Drive 31.6km (28 minutes) until you reach King’s Cove.
If you wish to visit Duntara, turn left at King’s Cove and Drive 5.2km (7 minutes).
If you wish to visit Keels turn left at King’s Cove and drive 8.5km (14 minutes).
Highlights: Lighthouse Hiking Trail in King’s Cove, Devil’s Foot Prints in Keels, Two Rooms Contemporary Art Gallery in Duntara.
Upper Amherst Cove
Approximately 45 minutes from the Artisan Inn.
If you are continuing your drive from communities along Route 235, continue driving 18km (18 minutes) north to Upper Amherst Cove.
If you only want to visit Upper Amherst Cove and not the other communities along Rotue 235 follow the below directions.
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive 30.4km (24 minutes) to Catalina and turn right onto Route 237.
Drive 11km (12 minutes) along Route 237. At the end of the road turn right. Drive 1.8km north (2 minutes) and turn left into Upper Amherst Cove.
The Twine Loft is recommended by “Where to Eat in Canada”. Most guests of the Artisan Inn book their tables when reserving their accommodations, sometimes a year in advance of their arrival. If you would like the Twine Loft to be part of your Trinity experience, we recommend you make your reservation as soon as possible. A reservation request form is available in our booking section.
Located near the majority of historic sites in Trinity, Aunt Sarah’s Chocolate and Sweet Rock Ice Cream are made right in Trinity. Sorbet is available for those who cannot have lactose.
The Dock Marina serves up typical family-friendly fare including fish and chips, burgers, pasta and so on. Take out is also an option you may wish to avail of if you are staying in one of our vacation homes.
Just outside the historic core of Trinity, Trinity Cabin’s offers a spot to grab a cup of coffee, breakfast or lunch. Their made to order sandwiches are perfect for taking on day hikes and drives. They also excel at baked goods.
Located in the Eriksen Premises, Sophia’s is open for lunch and evening meal service with a similar menu selection to the Dock Marina.
The Twine Loft is the main building and dining room for the Artisan Inn, built directly over the water. While the Twine Loft is not a bar, a Happy Hour service is available to the public from 3-5pm daily. Guest can choose between drinking on the waterside deck during nicer days (blankets are available for chillier one’s) or in the upstairs loft above the dining room. During Happy Hour special pricing is offered on many of our drinks including wines by the glass, locally made beers and mixed drinks.
Easy (very top can be difficult)
2km Lower Gun Hill Trail (loop)
1km Upper Gun Hill Trail 1-2 Hours to complete both trails
The Experience:
Gun Hill, formerly known as Ryder’s Hill is located at the base of Trinity. The upper trail leads straight to the top of the hill for a fantastic 360 degree view of the entire area and offers a great vantage point for picture taking. Halfway up the trail hikers will find the cannons that once protected Trinity from attacks during the wars between the French and the English. A photo of Trinity taken in 1910 is on display that allows visitors to see what ways the town has and has not changed over that past 100 years. The best time to take this hike is late afternoon. The town looks spectacular during the golden hour when the sun lowers over Fisher Cove. The walk takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to get to the top and slightly less time to get down. This is also a great spot to watch the sunrise because the entire trail provides an unobstructed view towards the East.
The Lower Trail (a loop) can be started behind the Eastern Health Clinic or Rising Tide Theatre and helps you to feel as though you could be in the middle of nowhere. Parts of the trail are completely inland while other parts hug Trinity Harbour. Walkers may also decide to take a side path to Tavener’s Point, lined with beaches on either side.
Marieke Gow Photography
During the summer, the trails are coloured with white purple pink and blue lupins and during the fall one can spend many peaceful hours picking wild flavorful blueberries from the hill’s many patches.
Directions from the Artisan Inn’s Twine Loft: Turn Left when leaving the Twine Loft and walk to the Royal Bank. This is a 2-minute walk. The path is marked and begins behind the bank. A large map of the trail (both upper and lower) is located in the town parking lot by the Rising Tide Theatre.
A seaside shop run by artist and jewelry maker Elizabeth Burry. Mirabella specializes in original art, Elizabeth Burry Jewelry and the pieces of other well known jewelry makers throughout Canada
Adam and Sarah left their lives in Toronto to run a chocolate shop in the small town of Trinity. Be sure to stop by for a bag (or 2 or 3) of these amazing chocolates or for a cup of Italian Hot Chocolate with Roasted Marsh Mellows.
From time to time you may notice a certain toasty aroma wafting through the air in Trinity. When this happens it means that Ian White is roasting a fresh batch of coffee beans for his various blends of Trinity Mercantile Coffee. Sip a cup in his shop while enjoying the salmon he smokes in-house, or purchase a bag as a souvenir from your trip.
One of the various historic sites of Trinity (This site does require a pass from the visitor centre), The Cooperage is where you will find Lester Cooper working away to produce traditional fisherman’s lunch boxes, children’s toys and practical items like wooden door stops.
While located in one of the Trinity Historic Sites, visitors may go straight to the craft shop without purchasing a historic sites pass. This shop is careful to carry item only made in Newfoundland including soaps, spices, art and select items from the Forge and Cooperage.
Located in the area of Trinity known as Hog’s Nose, Sweet Rock Ice Cream not only offers one of the best views in Trinity, but decadent ice cream made from local ingredients. If you are Lactose intolerant you can enjoy their sorbet of the day.
Locally knit sweaters, hats, mitts and even teddy bears line the shelves of this shop. These items are sure to keep you warm when standing on the windy cliff trying to catch a glimpse of a whale or puffin.
The Green Family Forge does come with an entrance fee, however, it is well worth a visit. This is not just a historic site, but a living museum where our two local and professionally trained blacksmith make coat hooks, pot racks, candle holders and more. Some of these items are available at the Lester Garland Building Craft Shop which can be entered without paying the historic sites entrance fee.
Trinity is one of the best areas in Newfoundland and Labrador to hop on a whale watching tour and have once in a lifetime experience with the Humpback Whales and other species that come to our area to feed on capelin during the summer months. To see daily records of whale sightings around the Trinity areaCLICK HERE.
Early in the season during the months of May and June, visitors may also have the opportunity to experience icebergs up close.
Iceberg: To purchase this print visit Paul Dolks Website. See the dot in the water to the far right of this photo is Paul’s boat.
By Fall, the Humpbacks have normally departed, however, the waters are teaming with other species including Sperm Whales, Blue Fin Tuna, superods of White Sided Dolphins and the occasional pod of Orcas. Birds including Gannets, Puffins and Bald Eagles often appear on the tours.
Please keep in mind that we can never predict or guarantee nature. Some years whales and icebergs arrive later or earlier than expected.
Vessel Type: Zodiac Phone: 1-709-464-3712 Address: 1 Stoneman’s Lane Walking distance from the Twine Loft: 4 minutes
Marieke Gow Photography
Photo By Paul Dolk, to purchase this print visit his website
Photo By Paul Dolk, to purchase this print visit his website
Photo By Paul Dolk, to purchase this print visit his website
Photo By Paul Dolk, to purchase this print visit his website,
Thank you to Paul Dolk, whose photography studio is located in Open Hall on Route 235 for allowing us to share his work. Visit his website Paul Dolk Photography
Did you know that Trinity was where Jon Clinch, a childhood friend of Edward Jenner, introduced the smallpox vaccine to the New World? What about the fact that the first court of justice in North America was established when Sir Richard Whitbourne held the first Court of Admiralty in Trinity in 1615? These and many other historically significant stories of Trinity and its harbour are ones we love to tell in a variety of ways.
Bring your imagination and join Kevin Toope as he relates the story of Trinity and its peoples; the Beothuk Indians, the French, the Irish, and the English and their contributions to a magnificent and colorful history. Through stories, historic photos, burial records, shipwrecks, and disasters you will time travel through the history of Newfoundland in the magical setting called Trinity.
Kevin’s tour runs 6 days a week and begins at 10am at the end of Clinch’s Lane (less than 10 minutes by foot from the Twine Loft) and departs rain or shine. The tour usually ends in the same location at 12pm.
Distance from Twine Loft: Located on CLinch’s Lane, Walking Distance 8 minutes
On Wednesdays and Saturdays, Newfoundland and Labrador’s history takes to the streets for Rising Tide Theatre’s New Founde Lande Trinity Pageant, a walking tour of the town led by actors portraying a few of the more outrageous characters from the not-too-distant past.
This play typically starts running in early July and ends Labour Day Weekend
Go to the green visitor’s centre on West Street where passes are sold for both Provincial and Municipal Sites. Visit the sites throughout the day at your own leisure (they are all within walking distance of each other and the inn) Within the sites interpreters will answer questions you may have about the sites’ significance in the area.
Lester-Garland House provides a visible means of interpreting the historic links between Poole (and the hinterland region known as Wessex) and Trinity (and the northeast coast of Newfoundland), the role of Trinity as a centre of trade and commerce in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries and especially of the culture that sprang from these linkages and associations.
Emma Hiscock’s life spanned a time when Trinity’s heyday as a centre for the salt fish trade was in the past, but it was still the place where everyone from all over the Bight came to do their shopping. Restored to 1910, today Emma’s house is a snapshot of life in this period and tells the story of how Emma kept up a genteel life for herself and her six children after her husband drowned in the 1890s.
The blacksmith in Trinity played a vital role in producing equipment and tools necessary for the fishery in Trinity. This is not just a historic site, but a living museum where our two local and professionally trained blacksmith make coat hooks, pot racks, candle holders and more.
The Cooperage, a location where barrels were traditionally made, played a major part in Trinity’s Fishing Heritage. Today it serves as a living museum where our local Cooper can be found working on products like fisherman’s lunch pails and wooden children’s toys.
Fort Point, also known as Admiral’s Point, offers a fantastic view of Trinity. This is where a British fortification once stood (cannons can still be seen) until it was destroyed during a 15 day period when the French occupied Trinity in 1762.
The second installation of a fort was in 1812 to serve as protection against the raids of American privateers. After the fort was abandoned a lighthouse was installed in 1871.
It is believed that St. Paul’s was built by either Caleb Marshall or James Harvey of St. John’s. The wooden church with its arched windows, chancel, side aisles, and tower with a spire is an excellent example of Gothic Revival architecture in outport Newfoundland during the nineteenth century.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
This is said to be the oldest standing wooden Catholic Church in Newfoundland. The church never had electricity installed and has the feeling of a dollhouse inside.
Rising Tide Theatre is located just a few minutes walk from the Artisan Inn’s buildings. Evening performances are offered most days of the week and the New Founde Lande Trinity Pageant on Wednesdays and Saturdays is not to be missed!
To ensure guests receive the most up to date information on scheduling, availability and possible changes to performance times, guests are encouraged to book their theatre tickets directly with Rising Tide Theatre. Performance Schedules are often released in late May.
Photo Courtesy of Rising Tide Theatre
All summer long Rising Tide Theatre presents a festival of evening performances relating to Newfoundland life and culture. Many well known Newfoundland actors including This Hour Has 22 Minutes’ Mark Critch, Come From Away’s Patrina Bromly, River Head’s Larry Barry and all three members of the Newfoundland Trio The Once, have been part of the cast of this theatre festival. Some of our favourite plays include: This Marvellous Terrible Place, West Moon, No Man’s Land and Saltwater Moon.
The Twine Loft Restaurant offers a pre-theatre sitting starting at 5:30 for plays starting at 7:30pm or later. Regrettably the Twine Loft is unable to accommodate guests trying to get to the 7pm play.
Evening performances typically run between early June to late September.
On Wednesdays and Saturdays, history comes alive in the streets with The New Founde Lande Trinity Pageant, a walking tour of the town led by actors portraying a few of the more outrageous characters from the not-too-distant past.
The Pageant typically starts running in early July and ends Labour Day Weekend.
Photo Courtesy of Rising Tide Theatre
On Wednesday and Saturday evenings, Rising Tide Theatre offers an evening dinner theatre at 5:30. Once dinner is served to visitors in the main theatre the actors take to the stage with a combination of theatrical skits and musical acts exhibiting Newfoundland’s rich culture.
Dinner Theatre typically starts running in early July and ends Labour Day Weekend.
This list is a selection of stunning locations you may wish to visit as you travel throughout the area. For more details and other suggested locations, consider downloading the Bonavista Geological Tour app.
Marieke Gow Photography
10 Minutes from Trinity
Skerwink Trail Sea Stacks
Located shortly after Skerwink trail turns from the old railway bed to the cut out coastal trail, the sea stacks can be viewed early in the walk and still enjoyed by those who do not wish to walk the entire trail.
Marieke Gow Photography
45 Minutes from Trinity
The Dungeon Provincial Park
Visit the park to stand above a collapsed sea cave with natural archways as the rough ocean waves crash in and flow out of the cave. There are many horses and cows grazing in this area.
25 Minutes from Trinity
Head to the Factory Historic Building in Port Union. In front of the building is a boardwalk with a set of steps leading down to rocks and water. During low tide, you can walk out to see various fossils embedded in the rocks.
Built from the naturally occurring rocks in the area and dug out from the hillsides, Root Cellars have put Elliston on the world map as the “Root Cellar Capital of the World.” Root cellars look somewhat like hobbit holes and various styles can be found in the area. We recommend driving past the puffin viewing site in Elliston onto Circular Rd in Maberly to view the best selection.
Marieke Gow Photography
Elliston Beach
The only Sandy Beach on the Bonavista Peninsula is located on the way to the Puffin Viewing Site.
49 Minutes from Trinity
Sea Stack
This area is a hidden gem. Just a few minutes by foot from the road, or accessible from the south by the Klondike Trail, Spillar’s Cove offers a landscape, largely barren of trees, with dramatic cliffs and an impressive sea stack.
Tickle Cove Sea Arch – Photo Credit: Marieke Gow
40 Minutes from Trinity
The Sea Arch
This area of the Bonavista Peninsula is predominantly formed from slate. The cliffs jutting out of the ocean are pinkish purple rather than the grey you see in most areas on Eastern Newfoundland. The sea arch is located off a small road just before the community boat slipway. People often miss it. Our advice is when you overshoot it and find yourself at the end of a road looking at a rock painted like a quilt is laid upon it, turn around, see the slipway and you will notice a narrow road past it heading right. Following this road. You should see a small sign that says “Sea Arch”. We recommend walking past the viewing platform to the top of the cliffs for a great view.
60 Minutes from Trinity
The Devil’s footprints
In Keels, take a look at a geological phenomenon known as “The Devil’s Footprints”, pockets in the rocks, which, according to local folklore, are proof that the Devil walks this land at night. Keels itself is a beautiful community to stroll around and indulge one’s passion for photography.
45 Minutes from Trinity
Marieke Gow Photography
Brooks Point
This stunning cliff is located on the Lighthouse Trail in King’s Cove. It is an easy grade walk and you can access this lookout point after 25 minutes or so of walking.